South Dakota State Library
- Directory of Public Libraries, Publications, Research Assistance.
South Dakota
Department of Education - Directory of K-12 Schools, Academic
Standards, Education News.
South Dakota Board
of Regents - Directory of Colleges/Universities, Financial Aid,
South Dakota High School Activities
Association - Directory of
Boys/Girls Sports Index, Team Schedules.
South Dakota
Statutes & Constitution - South Dakota Codified Laws
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Title List » Title 13 Education:
School Health Services, Transportation,
Textbooks, Scholarships,
Teacher Certification, Scholarships, Higher Education,
Higher Education Savings Plan, Tuition Grants...
Public Support Resource
South Dakota Education
Association - Organization that leads the movement for
excellence in education.
National Parent Teacher
Association - PTA - Provides parents and families with a powerful voice
to speak.
National Education Association
- State Affiliates, Great Public Schools for Every Child; Parents &