Indiana Department of Education
- Directory of K-12 Schools & Data, Academic Standards, ISTEP.
Indiana College Grant and Award Information
- Directory of Colleges/Universities, Financial Aid, Grants.
State Student Assistance
Commission of Indiana - Mission, make college affordable through
need-based grants.
Indiana High School Athletic Association
- Directory of Boys and Girls Sports Index, Team Schedules. - Secretary of State - Educational Outreach,
Investor Education Fact Sheet.
Indiana Commission for
Higher Education - Student Information, Grants, Colleges & Universities,
Higher Ed.
Indiana State Library
- Directory of Public Libraries, Publications, Newspapers, Research
Assistance. - College, Careers, K-12 Academic, Pre-K, Need to
Know, Student, Parents.
- College Choice 529 Investment Plan.
- A Step by Step Guide. Making College a Reality for Indiana Families.
Indiana School for the
Blind - Provides preschool through high school education for young
Indians School for
the Deaf - Promotes academic and social excellence for Deaf and Hard of
Indiana Department of
Natural Resources - DNR - Education & Workshops: Wildlife, Forestry,
Water, Fishing.
Indiana Statutes Education Code - Title 20. Education - School Teachers,
High Ability Students, Transportation.
Public Support Resources
Success - Foster Youth - Ensuring that foster kids are connected to
college resources.
Rose-Hulman -
Institute of Technology's Homework Hotline - Free math/science help in
grades 6-12.
Indiana Education
Association - Advocate organization that leads the movement for
excellence in education.
National Parent Teacher
Association - PTA - Provides parents and families with a powerful voice
to speak.
National Education Association
- State Affiliates, Great Public Schools for Every Child; Parents &